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About Journal

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

ISSN 1608-9057, E-ISSN 1857-3533
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55086/sp


Aims & Scope. Policy and Structure

Editorial Advisory Board


Publication Ethics & Malpractice

Current Output

Journal's Archive

Requirements to Submissions

Submission and Peer-review


Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology (abridged as Stratum plus) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal covering topical issues of archaeology and cultural anthropology.
Published by the
High Anthropological School University since 1999. ISSN 1608-9057, E-ISSN 1857-3533 
Stratum plus comes out six times a year in the Russian language. All papers are supplemented by abstracts in English, Russian and Moldovan languages.


Stratum plus Journal is indexed by


Emerging Sources Citation Index                     



and represented in international databases: 




The Supreme Council for Science and Technical Development of Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation of  Moldova, through their decision, recognized "Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology" as a specialized journal in history disciplines (category A).


Academic Scope and Subjects covered by the Journal 

Since its appearance, the journal has been positioning itself as supranational and interstate one.
Its goal is to establish links and unite academic activities in archaeology and cultural anthropology in the whole world and, specifically, in the post-Soviet space.
Stratum plus facilitates professional communication between a wide circle of specialists in archaeology, anthropology and other auxiliary historical disciplines, as well as enables familiarization of readers worldwide with recent academic research and developments.
Subjects are not limited either regionally or chronologically. They include results of analytical research, interpretations and high-quality publication of new sources. Contributions on history, ethnology, numismatics, epigraphics and other auxiliary historical disciplines are accepted along with papers on archaeology and cultural anthropology.

"The mere logics behind the things tells us that, when everything disappears, there is nothing but one real thing left — archaeology and its corresponding cultural layer, i.e. stratum. Without any exaggeration one may say that anything that is not and was not in the course of history, will actively emerge, rise and blossom in archaeology.... the ultimate goal of this journal is not only to unite the best creative forces in our discipline, not only to mobilize that cultural stratum, which continues to create following the natural cycle of doubts, hesitations, expeditions, findings and successes, and ignoring the vanity of changing authorities, banners and leaders, but also to initiate the progress of archaeology into the future"

Nothing But Archaeology! Or why Stratum plus?
Mark E. Tkachuk Editor-in-Chief


Journal's Unique Structure  

The Journal comes out six times a year in 200x290 mm format, in subject-oriented volumes dedicated to a specific historical age. The last, the sixth issue includes papers on numismatics and epigraphics of different periods, as well as papers on cultural anthropology, ethnology, history of late Middle Ages and early New Time.
Each volume has its own unique title relevant to its content. You may access our archive here

Annual Distribution of Subjects by Volumes

Journal Structure

Owing to this structure, a professional in a certain field can get one volume, which is a full collection of papers, sources, interpretations and researchers’ opinions on the relevant historical subject, covering the post-Soviet space and other territories. Having one or more monographs in each volume, groups of articles and other thematically and chronologically relevant stuff make it a self-sustained, integral and monographic journal. As a rule, each volume is dedicated to an outstanding researcher of world acclaim.

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Editor-in-Chief — doctor of history Mark E. Tkachuk
Coordinating Editor — doctor of history Roman A. Rabinovich
Responsible Secretary — doctor of history Leonid A. Mosionjnic

Management and promotion — Alexander N. Burean

Founder — Alexei S. Tulbure

Stratum plus editors are located in four cities: St.-Petersburg (Russia), Kishinev (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine) and Bucharest (Romania), with the central editorial board at the High Anthropological School University in Kishinev, where all contributions are collected.


Volume Editors

Volume Editor (No.1. Palaeolithic. Mesolithic) — doctor of historical sciences Leonid Vishnyatsky
Volume Editor (No.2. Neolithic. Bronze Age) — doctor of history Igor Manzura
Volume Editor (No.3. Iron Age. Ancient Time) — doctor of historical sciences Igor Bruyako
Volume Editor (No.4. Roman Time. The Migration Period) — doctor habilitat of archaeology Michel Kazansky
Volume Editor (No.5. Middle Ages) — doctor of history Roman Rabinovichi
Volume Editor (No.6. Numismatics. Epigraphics) — doctor habilitat of history Nikolai Russev

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Editorial Advisory Board  

The permanent Editorial Advisory Board includes 27 researchers of 21 research centers from Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France and USA :


L. S. Klejn. Through the Decision of the Senate of the High Anthropological School University and Stratum plus editorial board, the name of Leo Klejn shall be recorded forever in the list of editors of this journal in memory of his outstanding merits.

M. B. Shchukin. Through the Decision of the Senate of the High Anthropological School University and Stratum plus editorial board, the name of Mark Borisovich Shchukin shall be recorded forever in the list of editors of this journal in memory of his outstanding merits. 


G. Atanasov — doctor of historical sciences (Museum of Archaeology, Silistra, Bulgaria)
Yu. Berezkin — professor, doctor of historical sciences (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Russian Academy of Sciences (the Kunstkamera),
St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

V. Borshevich — doctor habilitat of Physics and Mathematics (Moldovan Branch of the UN International Academy of Informatization, Kishinev, Moldova)
I. Bruyako — member correspondent of the German Archaeological Institute, doctor of historical sciences (South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Odessa,Ukraine)
V. Cavruc — doctor of history (Eastern Carpathians National Museum, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania)
S. Covalenco — doctor of history (National Museum of History of Moldova, Kishinev, Moldova)
V. Dergachev — doctor habilitat of history (Kishinev, Moldova)
E. Girya — candidate of historical sciences (Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
B. Govedarica — doctor habilitat of history, professor (Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
S. Hansen — professor, doctor habilitat (German Archaeological Institute, Eurasia Department, Berlin, Germany)
M. Kazansky — doctor habilitat of archaeology (CNRS – French National Center for Scientifi c Research, Center for Studies in History and Civilization of Byzantium, Paris, France)
V. Kirilko — candidate of historical sciences (Institute of Archaeology of Crimea of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Simferopol)
A. Kovalev — member correspondent of the German Archaeological Institute, Fellow of the Archaeological Heritage Conservation Section, Archaeology Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation)
I. Manzura — member correspondent of the German Archaeological Institute, doctor of history (High Anthropological School University, Kishinev, Moldova)
S. Monachov — doctor of historical sciences (Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage of the N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, Saratov, Russian Federation)

V. Myts — candidate of historical sciences (The State Hermitage Muzeum, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
E. Nicolae — doctor of history (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest, Romania)
L. Nikolova — PhD, professor (International Institute of Anthropology, Salt Lake City, USA)
N. Russev — doctor habilitat of history (High Anthropological School University, Kishinev, Moldova)

V. Sinika — doctor of historical sciences (Pridnestrovian State University named after T. G. Shevchenko, Tiraspol, Moldova)

S. Skoryi — doctor of historical sciences (Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)

P. Shuvalov — candidate of historical sciencs (St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
O. Shcheglova — candidate of historical sciencs (Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
N. Telnov — doctor of history (Pridnestrovian State University named after T. G. Shevchenko, Tiraspol, Moldova)

D. Topal — member correspondent of the German Archaeological Institute, doctor of history (National Museum of History of Moldova, Kishinev, Moldova)

L. Vishnyatsky — doctor of historical sciences (Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
V. Zuev — candidate of historical sciences (The State Hermitage Muzeum, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

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Current Output 2024 

So far we have published 119 volumes containing 50 monographs and more than 2000 articles written by contributors from 47 countries of the world — Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Germany, UK, Italy, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, China, USA, Israel, Turkey, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.

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